Incentivizing Crafts for Social Good

MaskWeaver gamifies the traditional artcraft of weaving face masks to help address the COVID-19 crisis. Our app teaches you how to make and donate masks, gives you points for doing so, and lets you compete against your friends.


Online Realtime Database Syncing

Your account settings, such as friends and points, are synced to our Firebase database and updated in realtime with your uploads.

Incentivizing Social Good

Our platform, by letting you track how your friends are doing and counting points for your mask donations, incentivizes you to help your community.

Scalable, Fast, and Modern

The app is built in the React framework, with this landing page written in Bootstrap, deployed on Heroku and Github Pages, and nativefied with GoNative.

Our Team

Download for Android Now

You can test it on the web  here   but this is not recommended.